With sunflower oil
Ingredients: Anchovies, sunflower oil, salt
Storage: Keep in a cool place and once opened cover with oil
Anchovy fillets 80 gr Sunflower oil
SKU: 8005469981602
VAT Included
Average values refer to 100 g of drained product
Power 210 Kcal 879 Kj Fats of which saturated fatty acids 11 g - 2.07 g
Carbohydrates of which sugars 0.43 g - 0.1 g Net 80 g Drain 45 g Proteins 27 g salt 15 g Al prodotto viene assegnata una scadenza di 24 mesi dalla data di produzione. Mantenere in un luogo fresco e una volta aperto coprire con olio